Olive Oil: an Extra Virgin Story

For 6,000 years The olive tree has been a symbol of peace, friendship, health, and beauty. Renowned for the tree’s ability to live for thousands of years, its fruit offers the means for humans to live a long and healthy life. In biblical times, olive oil was used to cleanse and heal. Heads were anointed, feet were washed, and diseases were cured with the sacred oil. In medieval times it was used to treat wounds, sore throats, and bruises. Olive oil, a symbol of “light” was also used as fuel for lamps in homes, as well as in temples for religious ceremonies. The branch of the olive tree represented peace, forgiveness, and victory, depicted in Greek mythology, the Bible, and the Koran. At the first Olympic games in Greece, the winners were rewarded with a crown of olive branches, a tradition that still holds true today.

Olive oil has been an essential ingredient in the Mediterranean diet for thousands of years. It has been proven to be a “healthy fat” full of antioxidants and vitamins, reducing cholesterol and the effects of diabetes and heart disease. Olive oil is the juice that is extracted from the olives, and the process by which it is extracted is very important in obtaining the best quality.

Olive oil is made by mashing ripe (sometimes just under-ripe) olives to extract their juice. This process is called “cold press” when there is no heat or chemicals used. The mash is ground into a paste which is spun in a centrifuge to separate the oil from the water and solids. This oil is extra virgin because it is the first press of the olives. After being filtered to remove any sediments, it is bottled.

Not all extra virgin olive oil tastes the same. Similar to wine, the flavors are determined by many factors, including the variety of olives used, ripeness of the olives, and growing conditions like elevation and climate. Some have flavors of green grass and herbs while others are fruity, bitter, and peppery. Extra virgin olive oil should be used within three months of opening the bottle for optimum flavor and freshness.

My favorite extra virgin olives oils are from 2 different regions in Italy, Puglia and Sicily. Puglia, the “heel of the boot” of Italy, is where I first discovered delicious olive oil in 2016. I met the De Vitis family on their small olive farm near the town of Lecce. The father and 2 sons have been farming 50 hectares of land for 25 years. They have 3 varieties of olives trees which are never treated with chemicals. They have won numerous awards across Italy and Europe. I began importing their oil as soon as I returned to the US (I am the only person in the US carrying their extra virgin olive oil). In 2022 I returned to Puglia to visit the De Vitis family and tour the olive groves where I learned even more about their production. I spent several days with them as they welcomed me into their family with genuine Italian hospitality. The De Vitis oil is medium bodied, with flavors of green apples and almonds. I use it on salad greens, roasted vegetables, and over pasta.

In 2022 I met Peppe at his farm named Castello D’inici in Sicily. He farms vineyards and olive groves, producing some of Sicily’s finest wines and extra virgin olive oil. He and his partners, Anca and Maria welcomed me to the “castle” for a traditional Sicilian lunch and tour of the farm. I was their first American visitor and after 3 days I became family. I was invited back later in the year for olive harvest, which I quickly accepted. I arrived the first day of harvest (they waited for me), and I got to participate in the gathering of olives as they were shaken from the trees into large nets on the ground. I was privileged to watch the entire process of pressing the olives, mashing, and extracting into extra virgin olive oil. A month after I returned home, they surprised me with a case of the oil in bottles printed with my name. Unlike the extra virgin olive oil from Puglia, Castello D’inici olive oil is bold with flavors of spices and black pepper. I use it on grilled meats and vegetables. It’s wonderful in pasta sauce and over bread.

All over the Mediterranean people thrive on the benefits of olive oil. Many of the people I’ve met drink a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil every day for its health benefits, including its ability to reduce weight gain. Few Italians suffer from cholesterol problems, claiming it’s the result of their daily olive oil intake. I’ve adopted the habit of daily consumption of extra virgin olive oil, whether it’s a spoonful or a drizzle over salad or vegetables. I scramble my morning eggs in olive oil and saute veggies for soups and sauces in it also. It’s a huge part of my diet and I love knowing the source of where my olive oil comes from. Whichever extra virgin olive oil you choose to consume, make sure it’s cold-pressed and organic to ensure the optimum quality and benefits. I recommend you try both varieties I offer so you can enjoy them in different ways for their distinct flavors.

Try out my two favorite Olive Oils in my Shop:

Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Puglia, Italy
from $18.00

In 2016 Shannon met the lovely De Vitis family in Lecce, located in the southern Puglia region of Italy. Their olive farm is part of the national forest called RAUCCIO, and they produce incredible cold-pressed organic extra virgin olive oil. Shannon returned to Puglia in 2023, spending several days at the De Vitis farm learning more about the family’s history in olive oil production. Shannon is one of very few persons in the U.S. that imports De Vitis olive oil, and it sells quickly in her cooking classes and Italian dinners. Use it as a finishing oil on salad greens, vegetables, bread, and pasta. Also, drizzle it over vegetables and potatoes before roasting. You will absolutely love this oil!

Sicilian Olive Oil

On a trip to Sicily in 2023, Shannon visited the ancient Greek castle, Castello D’inici where she met the owner, Peppe and his business partner, Anca. They farm acres of olive trees and vineyards amidst the stone ruins of the castle. In true Sicilian fashion, Peppe and Anca welcomed Shannon into their lives, and invited her to return for olive harvest the following September. Peppe insisted no olives would be picked until Shannon arrived, and together they began the first harvest since acquiring the castle and its land. The following day they watched the process of cold-pressing the olives to produce pure extra virgin olive oil. A couple months later, they surprised Shannon with a case of the precious extra virgin olive oil in beautiful bottles with custom labels printed with her name. This limited quantity of olive oil is now available for you to enjoy in the US. Its bold flavor has flavors of spice and black pepper, and goes well with grilled meats, roasted vegetables, and pasta with Pecorino cheese. Or as the Italians often do, drink a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil every day for its antioxidants, mononsaturated fat, Vitamin E and K. If you like intensely bold olive oil, this one's for you! 

Each bottle is 500ml.

Evan Wei-Haas

Evan has worked with numerous successful organizations and specializes in creative, cost effective digital solutions. He will communicate with you closely, every step of the way, and will obsessively work to ensure your success and confidence through beautiful, modern design.


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